Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Assessment piece 2- design and development- metallic materials

Below are my ideas for the assessment piece using metallic materials. It is a pouch designed to hold the neck piece made (assessment piece 1) as in a previous posting.
The taniwha swims through the estuary to the sea, he is not very noticeable blending with the water and carrying the pouch with the treasure. The light reflects off his body and off the water.

The colours of the fabrics are greyer when scanned. I shall use different colours in the bobbin for the cable stitch on the taniwha to add extra colour, and the taniwha will be sewn with a calico or felt backing to raise it and enhance the colour of the cotton. The chiffon is  two tone- blue and green - not very obvious on the scan. The cords will be blues and green threads machine stitched- not pink wool.
Well I shall get back to module 3 whilst I wait for Sian's comments.
Happy stitching to all distant stitchers.

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